Friday, December 17, 2010


A SECRET SOCIETY that is known to the ordinary public is NOT SECRET but retains that aura of mystery and clandestine activity, nonetheless,in the imaginations of those who learn of their presence or existence somewhere in the world and about which much information, such as it might be, they ahve access to in various ways, whether in newspapers, magazines, television,movies, comics, radio, books, novels, or advertisements for such,etc. My criteria for such is simply this: an invitations to join, an initiation of some sort,a set of rules and by-laws and some special regalia along with a specialized leadership, based on hierarchy...along with other things to enhance or support their activities, such as fund-raising in various ways,from extortion to voluntary donations and/or membership dues and payments....etc.... Secret Societies that are 'cults' have, of course, many aspects to consider and which pertain to occcult or religious areas...very numerous .... Some Secret Societies keep membership figures low for obvious reasons, especially if they are subversive or revolutionary as history shows....and some modern groups have had their roots in such the history of communism, anarchy, Bolshevism, etc. will show...

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